Sunday, December 21, 2008

The Bell Tolls

All aboard the Polar Express! Next stop - the North Pole and that Santa Claus that you've been hearing about. Mom says he's pretend, but one trip on this train and you'll be confused all over again!


Yeah, we're natives. We wear cowboy hats and capris in the winter.

In our jammers before braving the cold walk to the train. Our house elf, if you will. Party. Started. Now. The hot (or vaguely warm anyway) hot chocolate and cookies were a big hit. I thought it would be Kate. Come on, you know you did too... Then it was singing time. You might say that Kate was "in her element." Then story time... and... then... he arrived! Bells for everyone Worn out. Seriously, is he real?


mini and brother said...

This whole post makes me cry a little. It's so special and what a memory you made for your kids. I love all the family pictures. The fire place in jammers is the best. Did you guys do self timers or did you ask people to take it for you?
Miles spill is so sick, I had to look twice. Miss you!
Love you and love your blog.

Kristi said...

Note to self: do this next year!