Friday, March 30, 2007

I Really Couldn't Think Of A Title For This One...

Hi! Oh, Internet, how I've missed you... Josh, with gleaming intentions, took my computer away for a few days in order to get it running better. However, now it's all fancy and new-like and I'm having adjustment issues. Also, my email address book went missing and I feel a bit cut off, so if you're at home, hitting "refresh" and looking for an email from me, you can be pretty sure that, sadly, none will be on their way until Computer Man comes back from Mexico.
As far as news goes, Miles has yet another ear infection and is currently knocking back antibiotic #5. Augh. He IS WALKING though and doing that standing up in the middle of the floor thing, which is pretty neat.
Kate started Irish Dance this morning and declared it THE. BEST. DANCE. CLASS. EVER!!! She is also very fond of playing with rocks lately and usually has one (or more) in her hand or pocket at any time.
Well, what I have for you today, kids, is a sight that I witnessed this afternoon right outside the entrance to the retirement communtity that is just west of our neighborhood. Disclaimer: There were no other cars around and I did NOT have my children in the vehicle.
Just in case it isn't clear, the poor lady was "walking" her dog, but she was in a Rascal or something and the dog was in a shopping cart that was bungeed to her scooter. She had to stop and fix it at one point because when she would take off, the doggy got whiplash and then the cart would slam back into her.

This is Mikele reporting from south Chandler. Back to you, Jim.


Astraea said...

I was just laughing so hard, I was crying. I think I was laughing the hardest at the thought of you "driving" and filming this lady! You're a nut. :)

Mrs. Spice (Holly) said...

Um, do you know where these things are available for purchase? I mean...just in case....I knew....someone....of course...this person..doesn't have a dog...but she does have a 2 year old...

mini and brother said...

Only someone living by Sunbird could find something like this. Poor lady...poor dog. You are a riot!!

Rachel said...

Poor doggie! How strange. But I love that you took a video of her, LOL!