Friday, June 20, 2008

Power Lab!

We had VBS last week, Bunco at my house last night, and our first week of swimming lessons, so I just came up for air about three minutes ago.

Soooo... without further ado...

Vacation Bible School presents Power Lab - where we teach kids about Jesus' miraculous power and then they get slimed.

Holly, Fizz the test tube and my alter ego, Professor Wilma

We lead singing, did skits, taught lessons, and tried to do experiments... it was a lot of fun - if you like that sort of thing. Which I do...

... and apparently, so does Holly, I mean Light Lady

I found someone's nametag in the bathroom on Monday.

Oh, wait.

Tuesday was Crazy Hair Day - I'm so glad that I got to do piggies before we shaved his head.

Owen's green locks

Gracie's cool moves

Slime time for O-Dog



Kristi said...

There are just so many classics in one little post. Wilma rocked. Literally and figuratively.

mini and brother said...
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Anonymous said...

I'm scared

Rachel said...

Light lady looks awesome! And so do you, Wilma. The crazy colors in your hair make your skin look so tan, you look great.

mini and brother said...

Love Wilma!! I think you should go around to all the VBS's in town and see if they'd hire you.
Miles hair was crazy and even stranger in person.