Monday, March 29, 2010

Part Two - The Rehearsal

Josh's little sister, Cara, got married earlier this month and all four of us were honored to be in the wedding. It took place in Chino Valley (Prescott) at this beautiful place called the Windmill House. Gorgeous. Every bit of it.

Jocelyn and I waiting our turn.

Great Granddad and Nana There was a sweet bridge that we walked over to get to where the ceremony was being held. Miles and Gavin

Granddad, Baby Layla and Cara Cara and Ian

Afterwards... it was time to... well, you know... jump!

Baby Claire

Picking berries became the activity of choice amongst the younger set.



It was a wonderful afternoon to celebrate love.


Mrs. Spice (Holly) said...

Love the jumping picture. Super cute.

Robyn said...

Great pictures! And your hair looks cute in the back (front too of course). What a beautiful setting for a wedding.

Carrie said...

How long must a person know you to be invited to do a jump picture. I think we're going on ... what ... 12 years? And DIGGING K's shirt ... maybe she can pass that down to our "Katers."