Sunday, December 02, 2007

Don't Hate

Sorry! I'm a tardy poster! We hit the ground running when we got home and we're off to Prescott today, so as Katie put it, I'll throw you a bone. We took a billion Disneyland pictures and I'm working on a slideshow that will both mesmerize and amaze you. However, in the meantime...
How about my favorite undercover shot of the week?

Look carefully at the way his parents "strapped" him in to his highchair. This kid was nuts and as it turned out, his parents took him and left about two minutes after this picture.

Coincedently, this was the last picture of Josh before the Oyster Incident of 2007.


Anonymous said...

Wow. That is unique, to say the least.

Ah, the Oyster Incident. Proof that some things are just not meant to be consumed.

Mrs. Spice (Holly) said...

So, so glad you are back.
Oyster 2007....was it like Phase 10Party 2007?
Speaking of which....who's turn is it?

mini and brother said...

Hurry up and get to the Disneyland picutres. I have a feeling you're going to be posting them in the new year...