Thursday, February 10, 2011

The Birds Were More Excited Than Angry

The day began...
...with a flock of birds. (and some pigs mixed in who were, apparently, defecting)
The birds were angry because...
...(in cake form) the pigs...
... stole the birds' eggs. The birds are fighting to get their eggs back by slingshotting themselves (or marshmallows) at said pigs. The pigs were ready. The birds were ready. Let the war begin!!! Yes, Carrie made it all - the shirt, the hats, the pig targets. Her mother in law created the cake masterpiece. It was awesome. I bow (not sacrilegiously) at her feet. Happy 5th Birthday, Joshua! Wheeeeeeeeee!!!!


Amy said...

that is awesome!

Robyn said...

The attention to detail blows my mind. Looks like everyone had a wonderful time! I love Kate's very serious slingshot focusing face. That girls means business!

Carrie said...

It was the best day ... and a special memory! Thanks for bringing your crew!