Wednesday, February 28, 2007

You Take The Good, You Take The Bad...

Miles has had one heck of a birthday week - nobody around here just gets one day of fun. On his actual birthday, he woke up with a mysterious rash all over his cute body and we couldn't figure what it was - chicken pox? We ended up not cancelling the party, but I warned all partygoers that they were about to enter a hot zone. We had one nurse tell us it was a delayed reaction to the amoxicillin that he was on for his ear infection, but then the next morning he had a 101 temperature and more crust in his ear. Monday we headed back to the doctor and he's now on a different type of antibiotic for the ear that hasn't healed (still not sure about the rash). The fever is persistant and hit 103.9 last night and he is really congested, but he is mostly his very happy self. We go back in tomorrow if he still has a fever, so please pray that it breaks and that his ear heals up. I'll have his party pictures up soon, but since this was such a downer post, I thought this might cheer you up:


Anonymous said...

Just so you know, the "chicken wing chicken wing" doesn't work that well when you try to do it to yourself...

Astraea said...

You're funny, Katers!

We hope you feel better, Miles!!

Anonymous said...

Sweet chicken wing moves, Kate! I hope Miles feels better soon :)

mini and brother said...

That is the strangest thing I've ever seen. I don't think normal arms do those moves. Hot Kater. You are going to be a hit at parties.

Anonymous said...

That is the cutest chicken I have ever you